Magical Creatures
- Banshee - a howling moaning ghoul-type creature that whoever is visited by one is doomed to die.
- Basilisk - giant snake with deadly fangs and a deadly stare, the crow of a rooster is deadly to it
- Blast-Ended Skrewt - a weird type of creature with shiny gray armor and a blasting end that propels them a few yards and no recognizable head or eyes, females skrewts have suckers on their bellies and males have stings
- Boggart - a creature that takes on the shape off some ones worse fear, though no one knows what they look like when they don't take on some ones worst fear
- Centaur - a creature with the legs of a horse and with the arms and the head of a human
- Cornish Pixie - a devilish little creature like a fairy eight inches high that is electric blue and can cause a lot of demolition
- Dementor - a hooded figure that has scaly hands and a terrible face that sucks all your happy memories out of you an only leaves the worst, it can suck the soul right out of you by method of a dementors kiss
- Dragons - (see dragon section)
- Dwarf - short men like creatures, they are only a few inches tall
- Elf - magical creature that lives deep in the forbidden forest
- Fairy - small creature that flies around and is very bright
- Flobberworm - a magical worm that much like a normal one and can't do much
- Garden Knomes - a small eight-inch tall creature with horny feet, razor sharp teeth, and a leathery bald head shaped liked a potato
- Ghost - the semi-transparent image of someone who is dead that can act like someone who is alive
- Ghoul - a creature that lives in attics and places like that making a lot of noise and howling
- Giant - an enormous twenty foot tall man like creature extremely strong and powerful
- Goblin - a four foot tall creature with long fingers and feet and facial hair
- Griffin - a half eagle half lion creature who is very powerful with talons and a deadly beak
- Grindylow - a small horny water demon that has long fingers that grabs people and doesn't let go (though its fingers are brittle)
- Hag - a ugly creature that eats raw liver
- Hippogriff - a half eagle half horse animal that has giant talons
- Hinkypunk - a water demon with one leg and a lantern that lives in a bog, it gives wrong directions to travelers
- House Elf - a small creature with bat-like ears and giant eyes, they are enslaved to work for different places (though they like the enslavement)
- Kappa - a creature that looks like a scaly monkey with webbed hands itching to strangle travelers into their ponds
- Kelpie - a creature that infests wells
- Leprechaun - a small bearded man about a foot tall that dresses in green, it comes from Ireland
- Manticore - a creature with the body of a lion a the head of a human with three rows of teeth and a scaly tail with poison darts
- Merpeople - a race of people with grayish skin, yellow eyes, and dark green hair that live in underwater cities
- Mountain Troll - a gigantic twelve foot tall creature that has a small head, horny feet, and not very smart
- Niffler - a fluffy black creature with a long snout that finds treasure
- Ogre - not a clear description in the book
- Phoenix - a magical bird that has red and gold plumage, it burns up and dies when it is old and is born again from the ashes also its tears heal any wound
- Red Cap - nasty goblin-like that lurked wherever there had been bloodshed
- Sphinx - a creature with the head of a woman, almond shaped eyes, and the body of an overlarge lion
- Three-Headed Dog - as the name suggests a giant dog with three heads, in the land of Hades in Greek mythology Cerberus was also a giant Three-Headed dog
- Unicorn - brilliantly white golden hoofed one horn on head horse-like creature, very magical
- Vampire - man like creature that can turn into a bat and also lives on the blood of other humans
- Veela - mysterious creature that has a mesmerizing dance though when angry is putrid
- Werewolf - a regular man except for on full moons when it changes into a wolf, it becomes a werewolf when bitten by another werewolf
- Wood Nymph - a creature with a wonderful singing voice
- Yeti - ape-like, man-like creature that lives in the Himalayas